Sunday, September 21, 2014

Mí Mádre

My Mother... 

 "We should all be in the pursuit of self mastery...It is a lifelong pursuit."  Janice H. Davis

Oh how you have taught me
and caused me to be ME
All the good that I have in my life, has come as a result of thee
From the moment I arrived, you have always been there...
and NO MATTER WHAT...I have never doubted that you care!

Things you taught me, not just by word, but also in deed:

-  Knowledge is to be sought and cherished
-  Ask the right question and listen inside
-  Follow clarity, the lack thereof is and answer in and of itself...Follow clarity
-  God makes no promise to answer an academic question...answers are only given when we are ready for the accountability that comes with it.
-  "There is no "Try", there is only DO, and DO NOT"...Oh how you echoed Master Yoda in this message
-  "CAN'T" is not allowed in this house..."YES YOU CAN!"
-  Write and keep a YOUR record... "For out of the records shall we be judged"
-  READ, and fill your mind with positive food
-  Be careful where you choose to place your energy...For that which receives energy...GROWS
-  Be Still (in so many ways)... "Seek the still waters, for that's where it's the deepest"
-  There's always 3 sides to anything (in a relationship)... Your perspective, the others' perspective, and then there's Gods' perspective... Seek His perfect perspective!
-  To HUG...   :)
-  Manners are NOT, and never will be "old fashion"
-  God is real.  He is to be reverenced and respected...and He loves us with a perfect love.
-  BE where you are
-  Know who you are...(not just what you do...but who you ARE)
-  Existence....Exists! A = A!

The list continues, yet these are some that stand out to me this morning... I love you and I love the example you ARE! 


  1. Matthew,

    I want you to know oh how your words have deeply touched my heart! I sincerely believe that the gratitude of a man for his mother is a sign of love so touching, and although natural, so rare these days! Thank you ... for allowing me again to move me on a beautiful ☺ topic and thank you to your mother for what she is and what she did to you! ☺
    Your words, incite constantly has to consider the priorities in life, and I find it very wise ... I personally retains the lesson and thank you again for this valuable reminder ... We must cultivate humility and learn through the experience of others to analyze yourself to move towards maturity, which for me can not do without spirituality! Today, unpretentious, I would like you to share my feelings about the words of your mother, Janice Hope DAVIS who have argued very strongly in my heart and in my mind, reminding me how hard I try do to "consider" the values of my life that way. I hope I do not remove far too much of the subject, you knew approached with love and delicacy, Matthew:)

    Here are my feelings about:

    PART 1 of 4 - By Maryse CANOVAS

    "We shoulds All Be in the pursuit of self mastery ... It is a lifelong pursuit." Janice H. DAVIS
    Wonderful words and so true !!


    Self-control refers to the ability to manage physical and emotional self, without being influenced by events. Self-knowledge is, I agree with Janice H. Davis a long drive that humans borrow to discover their inner nature and limitations.
    Yes, I think we need to know to master otherwise life becomes an illusion, because evil know causes imaginary mastery; Without knowing ourselves we do not control the only image we have of ourselves.
    We find this quality in the Holy Bible in Galatians chapter 5 verse 23, under the term "moderation", because in fact, God himself is an example to us and patience with his ability to want to find that we 'there is good.
    Yes, control of oneself allows you to see things in a positive light and not rushing our judgment, because due to our imperfection we are sometimes blinded by events and our demons take over.
    Thus, the outward manifestations of feelings or behaviors socially repressed can emerge: anger, violence, rage ...
    Self-control then follows from the assimilation of social boundaries and how to behave in the environment.
    To flourish in his daily life and its environment, it is clear that we must know how to fight against certain reflexes such as impulsivity.

    Without INTROSPECTION we can not achieve self-control

    To maintain balance throughout our lives we must submit to introspection. By analyzing each reaction of your life, we light the areas our enemies emotions and our ability to collect or not the criticism and change. For it is by surveying our deepest feelings we discover the causes of your unhappiness and how to overcome it.
    Most people who react violently or who fail to make self-control a component of their behavior, simply do not accept their weakness and have not made the effort to meditate on them- nor even the gratitude of God for us.
    We all suffer setbacks or be at some point in our life time ... very likely the main thing is to be aware of so you do not explode when these feelings will surface ... For me, that's it, self-control.

  2. Part 2 of 4 - By Maryse CANOVAS

    ABOUT ...
    "Knowledge is To Be Sought and cherished"
    Yes, I quite agree with Janice Hope DAVIS about it !!


    Aware of his tendency to overreact, it is already a first step towards improving self-control.
    I found it necessary to first identify the elements that can trigger a lack of self-control, then we only need to focus on them on a daily basis to turn them into motivators.
    But what is even more important is the personal motivation is a key leading to personal fulfillment, and this key, I have found through faith in God, gratitude for all he has done for us and continues to do every day.
    But I'm like everyone very imperfect world, so I feel the way to exult my anger, but I do it in another way that the confrontation with sports, long walks in nature, helping people with my professional knowledge through meditation or spiritual readings such as the study of the Bible.
    I believe that a parallel activity allows us to find and keep our balance.
    Negative feelings stagnating inside us and that are stimulated by our environment should not become an excuse for inappropriate reactions.

    We should also cultivate CONFIDENCE AND SELECT !!

    I realized, in fact, that with respect to our relationships we have to make choices in life! Because unfortunately, some people are always there to try to destabilize us, either by jealousy, envy, frustration or malice ... But I prefer to ignore that kind of person! ... I think it's the ability to see who is worthy and who is not receiving our love, our attention, we can continue to grow. I do not want to harden my heart, for I will not refuse my help if they need it, what I mean is that it is not good to go, as they are a danger to us -Same and our balance and can influence bad thoughts, because they have moved away from the faith and therefore they judge others aves carnal and not spiritual bases. Yes, Matthew, have confidence in ourselves and in our spiritual judgment. We must pray to God for that. We have the right to doubt ourselves, but we must put those doubts, because in the long run they can make us inactive or build pressure on us and then we will say "am I willing to? ..." Instead to say "I am able and I'm willing to ...! ".
    That is why I agree with Janice Hope DAVIS, your mother when she says "There is no" Try ", there is only DO, and DO NOT."

    I wondered since my preteen, what "being confident in yourself" ...
    It may be sometimes assume his personality face under the outside world.

    Some people do and become charismatic, sometimes without realizing it, because they dare to do or dare to say things without fear of judgment from others. Finally, limit yourself is not that limit confidence in yourself? ...
    But I do not however think that everything must be said without limits, because we can not do not underestimate this will have on others or us ... God gave us a brain and we must use it wisely to the honor and to be a responsible adult, being worthy of the love of our Creator, to give, in turn, of this love to others in the best way possible, according to 1 Corinthians chapter 13 verse 1: "If I speak in the tongues [a] of men or of angels, goal-have do not love, I am only a resounding gong or clanging cymbal has"

  3. Part 3 to 4 – By Maryse CANOVAS

    ABOUT ...

    There are some questions we can not answer with absolute precision, it is not possible to locate the sky geographically or to assess its extent. The laws that govern it are spiritual, and the creatures that inhabit it. The sky is necessarily different from our inception and we are so used to move us in a visible world, audible, tangible and natural, that we are probably very difficult to conceive the nature of this heavenly place.

    This does not mean that it is too difficult to have faith in God, for his entire creation testifies to his greatness and power. We do not see the wind, but see the effects, so I think that faith can even find a place in our minds and our lives, if we wish!

    We should all indeed, in the words of Janice Hope DAVIS respect God for His perfect love so well.
    I love from my childhood the Bible passage in Revelation / Apocalypse 4:11 "Worthy are You, our Lord and our God, glory and honor to Receive and power; for You created all things, and Because Of Your Will They [a] Existed, and Were created. "


    The Holy Bible in chapter 4 and Jacques verse 8 says, "Come near to God and He will draw near to you ..."
    Unfortunately for themselves, some are unable or unwilling to come to God, because he criticized the misfortunes that befall them.
    Yet the Holy Bible tells us in Psalm 145 verse 18 and 19 : "God is near to all who call upon him, to all who call upon Him in sincerity /19 He hears their cry and saves them "
    Those who do not have faith refuse to pray to our Almighty Creator. It makes me sad! For God gives us his love, like a friend can give us his, it's a unique relationship !!

    There are six months continue, my sister ten years my senior, passed away following a long illness, she had hidden us.
    I did not understand and always said she was exaggerating when she spoke to me and said I was his little sister dear, the smartest of the family ... luis I said, "you know the supreme intelligence is wisdom spiritual, it is not because I have a university education that I am apparently wiser than you ... but what makes us different is that unlike you, since my childhood creating me touched and brought me closer to God, giving me want to know ... then our Creator does the rest! ... "She laughed and kissed me tenderly ... as if to say" I know, but I do not have the courage to change. "She wanted some one of themselves as "realistic" as someone who was "down to earth" and that fiat only man for her safety, balance and well-being ...
    Unfortunately she never believed in God, but a little before we leave, she told me "
    I think you're right and I'll try to read the book that you left me." It touched my heart deeply !
    Beyond the great pain of this separation, I feel an almost supernatural relief to know that my dear sister is in a rest that will allow him to meet me later ... .je hope deep within me, as this will finally, perfect happiness, paradise promised by our Creator, and the absence of all the bad things that ties require them to fight in this world.
    God's love is infinite and such promise allows me to continue to live and hope to share the hope of the divine realization to others in my speech (as Minister of Worship / occasional speaker) and through informal exchanges that occur in my life.

  4. Part 4 to 4 – By Maryse CANOVAS

    TODAY ... IN MY LIFE ...

    I feel more than ever that God may continue to set me his light so I can relieve some souls who allow themselves overwhelmed by negative thoughts.
    This is not waving we become wise ... sometimes you have to know to ask, meditate, contemplate and pray especially that God may fill with gratitude and love our imperfect hearts.
    I am filled with gratitude to God and my Father who gives me the ability to endure and to be sometimes so different ... I feel like walking against the tide of this world.
    Regardless, for me, the crowd is not always right! People are too assisted, too "sheep" and sometimes simply do not take the time to ask the right questions.

    Many people admire those who move, those that make noise ; But the truly wise, he is quiet and calm in its interior, smooth power, invites us to consider the priorities, as you do so Matthew !!
    God is love, let us continue to love and cherish his commandments and wisdom, the key to eternal happiness !

    Thank you to you and your mother for all your encouragement to continue to stand firm on the right path, that of God and faith.
    Yes, God bless your whole family, Matthew, far beyond anything you can expect or think! Amen !!

  5. My heart is heavy for your family today. I know you know that your mother is an amazing woman and touched many lives. She was the first person that greeted me when I moved to Elk Ridge. I was scared to be in a new place with only my young daughters. Jan assured me that I had moved to a great place that was a wonderful place to raise kids alone. I will never forget how she made me feel that day. I knew I had made a good choice... And I could conquer the world. She was always concerned about others feelings and I love her for that. Hugs and prayers of comfort coming your way.

  6. Beautiful words, your mother was a wise woman. Her inner beauty is evident in you. God Bless.

  7. Matthew,

    When I answered this post, there is a month in September, I did not know your mother was fighting against the disease, and I was really touched, shocked!
    I am really sad that a woman as exemplary as your mother is no longer with us, but I know she has left you the strength and the desire to share the wisdom she has passed on you, me and this a little console. (#BE)

    I wish this new comments today give my feelings on what can be our son or daughter's life the loss of a parent.

    I hope you do not mind not to comment on this post again based on what your mother had said, but since I had just done it before, I do not want to be redundant.

    Part 1/4
    (by Maryse CANOVAS)


    I think there is no age to feel orphan or orphan.

    Even if it is perceived as an adult, responsible, one is no longer dependent on our parents, we feel still a huge void in the loss of a loved one, especially a father or a mother.

    When I lost my father, I was in my late teens and me as his absence seemed unreal ... I thought he would always be there, he could see me grow in my work, m perform as a woman, and all of a sudden illness caused havoc in the way I could project myself into the future ... for a while, everything collapsed in front of me and only two common denominators occupied my thoughts: emptiness and pain!
    My driving instructor aerospace tried me "shake up" a bit, saying "life goes on, and your mother is still there ..." but his words were slow to act in me.

    I had the feeling that he had gone too soon and that I would have still needed his advice, again and again ... Then, as if anger came over me, I felt like "abandoned" by the who loved me deeply, but let me now powerless and sadness.
    I was no longer the strong young girl, who took many decisions still in project management to advance in life, I was returned for a few days as a little hyper sensitive girl who wanted only be protected.

    I put a little time to pull myself together and realize that while I had to focus on those that remained, which had around me as punishment and struggling controlling their feelings about the loss.

    Then, ironically, I suddenly re-keying. Losing my parents pushed me to really feel adult and realize that inevitably brought me back to my own mortality, my simple human condition.

    I was going through my head at the time, a young adult and somehow both a mother for my mother (who was sick) and my brother (disabled and older than me).

  8. Part 2/4
    (by Maryse CANOVAS)


    I once heard a person say "when one of our relative dies, you lose a little of its past."
    This made me, at the loss of my father, a reflection led me to consider the fact that losing an ascendant, could create an "identity crisis" that could lead to the realization that I now would be fully responsible for myself for many things.

    The emotions we feel at this moment is very special and very strong.
    This absence must be suddenly manage while life goes on, with its share of trials, can generate anxiety missed cue or not being able to project yourself to continue anyway.

    I found refuge in this event with the IOF in the promises of God and the LOVE that I received in my entourage.

    Without these two essential things in our life, I think that humans are more fragile, more vulnerable to the loss of a parent.

    I think there was a death in all circumstances where we are forced by a sudden or expected actually to abandon the realization of a desire, even legitimate (some are grieving because of a divorce, for it is also a separation which can be sudden and unwanted);
    Because when we abandon a personal conception of our life and our happiness to have to consider what else we have not thought what we were not prepared, exactly what we wanted to escape ... totally upset our prospects we fight and make a work of mourning.

    The loss of a parent is always an intense emotion and very personal.
    I have found that no two people, even within the same family or the same team who live mourning a parent in the same way.

    The consequences and effects of parental loss on yourself, are changing, leaving each with different expectations, other needs, other moral reactions, emotional and psychological.

  9. Part 3 /4
    (by Maryse CANOVAS)


    Ideas prevalent want us to believe that time heals our wounds, we get used to everything ...
    But is this really the time does not heal by itself or rather WHAT HAPPENS DURING THIS TIME?

    The pain can surely decrease over time, be less strong, but the loss and absence remain, lack continues, and many things and places can remember what was our parent and what we did live at his side, and that will not happen again in the same way without their loved one....


    It may mistakenly and especially because we suffer, thinking that nothing will be as before, we can not or will not know relive some moments of joy that we have so enjoyed through our parent, because that it is impossible to recreate the situations we have experienced ...

    I sincerely believe that understanding the implications of the pain of grief is significantly increasing the quality of how we can continue to care for others ourselves faced with the loss. To understand is to find ways to act, not to remain passive, not to sink.

    But understanding what ?

    Many people caught in the bonds of their daily lives (because it is necessary that life goes on, that there children, labor, financial position) seek to silence about their pain. But in my humble opinion, silence is not the sign of a victory over our personal pain that we felt, it may be just the product of a courageous effort to conceal it. I think the first steps necessary to overcome the grief of a parent are TEARS and WORDS !

    Next, we must dare to go through the reality of the loss of the parent, FACING OUR INDIVIDUALITY by making a work of introspection on the reasons for our pain, depending on what it meant to us missing relative.

    It was then that listening OTHER talk about their own feelings takes on a dimension in ourselves because our attention is not only focused on our past and what we have lost, but especially what we can still make of our lives by encouraging and supporting others.

    Nevertheless, I think that in any situation, mourning for a parent, will not erase the memory of what was and is no more; It simply force us to be A NEW BIRTH OF OURSELVES

    If death occurs after the parent of an illness, grief may be tinged with relief, especially compared to the dignity that the parent wanted to keep.

    And I think that feeling is not going against the love one has for his father or his mother. In fact, feel relieved of the end of the physical suffering of a loved one can be a proof of love
    Parents will live FOREVER IN THE HEARTS of their descendants.

    The transmitted values, shared experiences, and the gestures, words, emotions that parents have bequeathed to their children are the most precious heritages.

  10. Part 4/4
    (By Maryse CANOVAS)


    Following the positive resolution of mourning for my father, as father of an orphan, I have above all understood a lot about death and, since they are closely related, about life as well.

    This prompted me to bring me more of God and to stand up for the wonderful design that provides its faithful.

    Faith gave me through PRAYER inner PEACE, that described in Philippians 4: 7 "And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

    I am now focused on the help I can bring to others because I also learned from my father's attitude a biblical truth :

    "There is more blessed to give than to receive," according to the book of Acts chapter 20 verse 35.

    Yes, we have a sure hope for the future according to Revelation (Apocalypse) 21: 4

    "He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, and there will be more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the former things have passed away. "AMEN !!

    The separation is only temporary, however long it may seem, its length gives way to the eternity of happiness that God promises his elect.

    That your FAITH and HOPE can make your comfort necessary for you and your family in this event and pending the full realization of the promises of God will not be too long for you.

    My heartfelt thoughts and prayers are with you and your family Matthew.

    I'm sure Matthew, your mother, Janice, was able to pass you his generosity of heart and He has instilled the spiritual values that allow you to continue to show the nobility and strength of your feelings in life.

    I'm sure Matthew, your mother, Janice, was able to pass you his generosity of heart and He has instilled the spiritual values that allow you to continue to show the nobility and strength of your feelings in life. !! :)

    BIG HUGS from France !

  11. Matthew,

    When I answered this post, there is a month in September, I did not know your mother was fighting against the disease, and I was really touched, shocked!
    I am really sad that a woman as exemplary as your mother is no longer with us, but I know she has left you the strength and the desire to share the wisdom she has passed on you, me and this a little console. (#BE)

    I wish this new comments today give my feelings on what can be our son or daughter's life the loss of a parent.

    I hope you do not mind not to comment on this post again based on what your mother had said, but since I had just done it before, I do not want to be redundant.

    Part 1/4
    (by Maryse CANOVAS)


    I think there is no age to feel orphan or orphan.

    Even if it is perceived as an adult, responsible, one is no longer dependent on our parents, we feel still a huge void in the loss of a loved one, especially a father or a mother.

    When I lost my father, I was in my late teens and me as his absence seemed unreal ... I thought he would always be there, he could see me grow in my work, m perform as a woman, and all of a sudden illness caused havoc in the way I could project myself into the future ... for a while, everything collapsed in front of me and only two common denominators occupied my thoughts: emptiness and pain!
    My driving instructor aerospace tried me "shake up" a bit, saying "life goes on, and your mother is still there ..." but his words were slow to act in me.

    I had the feeling that he had gone too soon and that I would have still needed his advice, again and again ... Then, as if anger came over me, I felt like "abandoned" by the who loved me deeply, but let me now powerless and sadness.
    I was no longer the strong young girl, who took many decisions still in project management to advance in life, I was returned for a few days as a little hyper sensitive girl who wanted only be protected.

    I put a little time to pull myself together and realize that while I had to focus on those that remained, which had around me as punishment and struggling controlling their feelings about the loss.

    Then, ironically, I suddenly re-keying. Losing my parents pushed me to really feel adult and realize that inevitably brought me back to my own mortality, my simple human condition.

    I was going through my head at the time, a young adult and somehow both a mother for my mother (who was sick) and my brother (disabled and older than me).

  12. Part 2/4
    (by Maryse CANOVAS)


    I once heard a person say "when one of our relative dies, you lose a little of its past."
    This made me, at the loss of my father, a reflection led me to consider the fact that losing an ascendant, could create an "identity crisis" that could lead to the realization that I now would be fully responsible for myself for many things.

    The emotions we feel at this moment is very special and very strong.
    This absence must be suddenly manage while life goes on, with its share of trials, can generate anxiety missed cue or not being able to project yourself to continue anyway.

    I found refuge in this event with the IOF in the promises of God and the LOVE that I received in my entourage.

    Without these two essential things in our life, I think that humans are more fragile, more vulnerable to the loss of a parent.

    I think there was a death in all circumstances where we are forced by a sudden or expected actually to abandon the realization of a desire, even legitimate (some are grieving because of a divorce, for it is also a separation which can be sudden and unwanted);
    Because when we abandon a personal conception of our life and our happiness to have to consider what else we have not thought what we were not prepared, exactly what we wanted to escape ... totally upset our prospects we fight and make a work of mourning.

    The loss of a parent is always an intense emotion and very personal.
    I have found that no two people, even within the same family or the same team who live mourning a parent in the same way.

    The consequences and effects of parental loss on yourself, are changing, leaving each with different expectations, other needs, other moral reactions, emotional and psychological.


  13. Part 3 /4
    (by Maryse CANOVAS)


    Ideas prevalent want us to believe that time heals our wounds, we get used to everything ...
    But is this really the time does not heal by itself or rather WHAT HAPPENS DURING THIS TIME?

    The pain can surely decrease over time, be less strong, but the loss and absence remain, lack continues, and many things and places can remember what was our parent and what we did live at his side, and that will not happen again in the same way without their loved one....


    It may mistakenly and especially because we suffer, thinking that nothing will be as before, we can not or will not know relive some moments of joy that we have so enjoyed through our parent, because that it is impossible to recreate the situations we have experienced ...

    I sincerely believe that understanding the implications of the pain of grief is significantly increasing the quality of how we can continue to care for others ourselves faced with the loss. To understand is to find ways to act, not to remain passive, not to sink.

    But understanding what ?

    Many people caught in the bonds of their daily lives (because it is necessary that life goes on, that there children, labor, financial position) seek to silence about their pain. But in my humble opinion, silence is not the sign of a victory over our personal pain that we felt, it may be just the product of a courageous effort to conceal it. I think the first steps necessary to overcome the grief of a parent are TEARS and WORDS !

    Next, we must dare to go through the reality of the loss of the parent, FACING OUR INDIVIDUALITY by making a work of introspection on the reasons for our pain, depending on what it meant to us missing relative.

    It was then that listening OTHER talk about their own feelings takes on a dimension in ourselves because our attention is not only focused on our past and what we have lost, but especially what we can still make of our lives by encouraging and supporting others.

    Nevertheless, I think that in any situation, mourning for a parent, will not erase the memory of what was and is no more; It simply force us to be A NEW BIRTH OF OURSELVES

    If death occurs after the parent of an illness, grief may be tinged with relief, especially compared to the dignity that the parent wanted to keep.

    And I think that feeling is not going against the love one has for his father or his mother. In fact, feel relieved of the end of the physical suffering of a loved one can be a proof of love
    Parents will live FOREVER IN THE HEARTS of their descendants.

    The transmitted values, shared experiences, and the gestures, words, emotions that parents have bequeathed to their children are the most precious heritages.

  14. Part 4/4
    (By Maryse CANOVAS)


    Following the positive resolution of mourning for my father, as father of an orphan, I have above all understood a lot about death and, since they are closely related, about life as well.

    This prompted me to bring me more of God and to stand up for the wonderful design that provides its faithful.

    Faith gave me through PRAYER inner PEACE, that described in Philippians 4: 7 "And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

    I am now focused on the help I can bring to others because I also learned from my father's attitude a biblical truth :

    "There is more blessed to give than to receive," according to the book of Acts chapter 20 verse 35.

    Yes, we have a sure hope for the future according to Revelation (Apocalypse) 21: 4

    "He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, and there will be more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the former things have passed away. "AMEN !!

    The separation is only temporary, however long it may seem, its length gives way to the eternity of happiness that God promises his elect.

    That your FAITH and HOPE can make your comfort necessary for you and your family in this event and pending the full realization of the promises of God will not be too long for you.

    My heartfelt thoughts and prayers are with you and your family Matthew.

    I'm sure Matthew, your mother, Janice, was able to pass you his generosity of heart and He has instilled the spiritual values that allow you to continue to show the nobility and strength of your feelings in life.

    I'm sure Matthew, your mother, Janice, was able to pass you his generosity of heart and He has instilled the spiritual values that allow you to continue to show the nobility and strength of your feelings in life.  !!

    BIG HUGS from France ! :)




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