Tuesday, October 28, 2014

The Creators in each of us...

 "Ask yourself whether the dream of heaven and greatness should be waiting for us in our graves - or whether it should be ours here and now and on this earth."  -  Ayn Rand

Why wait to be creators of worlds in some off and far off distance place in the afterlife...?  I once read the worlds "God lives in you....AS you." (Eat, Pray, Love)  It was an interesting thing to sit and think about.  We are taught as we grew that we are children of the creator.  A significant part of the universe and all things are connected.  So if the creator of all things lives in me, AS me...and I possess direct characteristics of said grand creator, then I should learn to create NOW...and not wait until somewhere beyond the grave.

It IS ours' to create the life we wish to live, to surround ourselves with those that we WANT in our lives, and to chose and execute our plans to live the life we want.  This is the time to live and BE!..  To create and build!..  To "LIVE", and not just "endure"...

In a Stephan R. Covey conference that I attended about a year ago, I heard this quote...:

"Creation happens twice.  Once in your mind, then in the physical sense."

I love that!  I makes me be so much more careful and conscious of my thoughts.  Our minds are the drawing boards of life...  What we chose to think and dwell on, grows.  We MUST fill our thoughts with empowering and uplifting things, and allow the positive to rule our minds, and our hearts.  Our emotions are typically the fruits of our very own thoughts.  Thoughts are the roots...emotions are the fruits.  If you're feeling sad and depressed, change your thought process!  The origin of creation (while here on earth) is in our thoughts!

I believe it our choice to wake up every day and chose to contribute and create, and if it's important enough to us,...we WILL find a way.  If not, we WILL most likely find an excuse.
Be prayerful and meditative as you seek guidance to create...so that what is created is in harmony with all that serves us in a positive way!

I always welcome your thoughts...


  1. Simply incredible. I believe it is a choice to be happy and fulfilled. We are such powerful creatures! The ability we have to create our own thoughts is astounding to me.
    Thank you for living a conscious life.

  2. matthew,
    It will be difficult for me a few lines to make a response to the height of a text as rich and teeming with lessons !
    I have indeed been very touched, yet, both the maturity and depth of your thoughts.
    I hope I do not remove far too much of the theme that you give us.
    I will try to write some of my thoughts about it, which is large and deserves writing a book, if the Holy Bible did not exist ... :) but this is not the case, and your comment enough, I hope to inspire others to have a reflection on themselves, and most importantly, the perfect example of our model, God, our Creator.

    Thank you for your sharing, and for the confidence that you made to all participants co-authors of your blog, including myself, Matthew !

    PART 1/5
    Author : Maryse CANOVAS


    What drives me to write this is the word of God, the Holy Bible, which tells us that we are not as human beings, the result of chance, but a willingness on the part of a Creator, our Father in Heaven.

    Our existence therefore has a meaning !
    We read in Genesis: "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. "
    We are here in the presence of an unprecedented act outside our scope as beyond our understanding and permanently mark the boundary between the Creator and the creature, because the initiative comes from the Supreme God.

    However, it gave us incredible abilities, an extraordinary brain.
    Yes, as human beings, we can "create" all sorts of things, I agree with you Matthew (from a pre-existing physical matter : objects, works of art, tools. .. or generated by our thinking: concepts, theories), but never from scratch, and without effort that the thing is done! And that is what is beautiful, because we need to accept that the chance is not creativity, but goes against this state of affairs.
    As for me, if everything depended on chance, we would be the product of an accidental collision of atoms ... In this case, nothing of significance because the project has no chance ... :)

    This means that in Genesis, from the beginning, God shows us that he created because he had a divine plan for humanity share the happiness that we feel when we decide to create us too! It's wonderful, magical and incomparable !!

    God did not merely launch an evolutionary process, saying, "Now you're on your own. No, he comes to us and reveals Himself to us through the Bible, so that we are not alone to learn. I think it is a great privilege to learn from the example of our Creator !

    Genesis said then about God's creation, "" God saw that it was (very) good "...
    It makes us understand that there is nothing more satisfying and enjoyable than the end of a book, with the opportunity to see the result and to be self-satisfied. Yes, God has manifested his satisfaction! What he created was good and even very good (nice, pleasant, harmonious, operational ... well, perfect). We can and should follow his example and not remain unmoved by what surrounds us.
    The geographical, temporal and initial paradise and all the Earth, tells us our needs as human beings. For many things in nature, God made us observe the rhythms and harmonies that serve as a lesson, but also the importance of discipline and order which is perceived in the beauty of our planet and all the universe, it offers to us.

    Knowing that God is interested in us, should develop a certain respect for ourselves (I'm not talking about pride, but the ability to love yourself in order to take care of us), that we must push to create to thrive and to say, as he himself said: " I am I doing (or I create) is good ! "

  3. PART 2/5
    Author : Maryse CANOVAS


    Some situations, in this system, in this world, eventually be factors which cause loss of confidence and resources sometimes even for some ... an identity crisis: "Who am I really? "
    This is a danger for creativity and the development of the human being.

    So how to think differently so that when the energy is sufficient, the implementation of such thinking can lead to the creation of a thing or a concept? ... I am often asked, seeing people had lost much in business (due to the crisis, counterfeit or other obstacles related to the current economic climate).
    May be redirecting its logical not to the medium term, but to a longer term, and taking the risk of being wrong, because it's one of the things that can immobilize most people.

    I thought the example of God, is once again the best ! He voluntarily gave us free will, we find that created humans without putting too of "safety" that would prevent them from acting as they wish, to follow his advice or not ... he dared to create us giving us also the possibility to imitate or not in his desire to realize his project! ... it has reduced its authoritarianism in order not to interfere with our mutual relations.
    As Creator, God has adapted to us, knowing that we are making progress, and that we can move towards the better or for the worse if we do not consider his warnings.
    Yes, for He is love (1 John 4: 8), God wants us to feel free enough to create in order to thrive and grow, even if we make mistakes; He knows that our well-being is in the development that goes through self-realization and thus the creation of his own life or anything else.

  4. PART 3/5
    Author : Maryse CANOVAS


    When I talk about development, I found in my consulting business balance positioning (and aid personal development), 3 spheres that interact permanently: self-knowledge, its potential and its limits.
    Then, the context also acts as a catalyst or not, and we must learn to "play" with it, which is not always easy, because everyone does not have the same values or the same views on the development of creativity and happiness in work or entrepreneurship through creativity.
    Because of this, people take a particular place in society, in business or in any other activity that would be required a certain amount of creativity that can be called "initiative". Because when we want to create accountability between online account, but also a certain independence of mind and action, do not you think ?

    But, what is the common denominator of all the creators ?
    Self-confidence can be, for all involved in the creation, which takes its cue from God himself, should be trusted, be convinced that his best experiences belong to the future and not his past ... He looks ahead ... that is why he longs to be created, "NOW" without waiting, as you so well marked Matthew !

    Want to be creative, requires work on oneself.
    I noticed in the accompaniments I realized that confidence, which is key to this work, can not be imposed, it is experienced. Once people realize that they can work on them, trust is built. Size possible erases any doubts or obstacles related to human relations, legitimate, but sometimes creating blockages ; A person who is aware of his power of self-determination once said : "After all, I did not need to love my professional relationships to succeed."
    Unconsciously, an unconscious psychological work had made its way ...
    Motivation is essential and remains different for each individual is required, I think how to answer some questions when we want to create, for the life of the implementation depends on this.
    Ask "What motivates me? What I am missing ? Why run after me and continue to deplete despite the lack of recognition of what I do?
    Because life does not make creative gifts, and the leader of tomorrow creating, is my humble and personal opinion

    Is one who can assess and balance the energy in knowing whether domestic recovery time. It will also be able to create by working to grow and continue to learn, so he will have the desire to get out of his "comfort zone."

    He also made a EGO want to create, and this applies to all creative (whether painter on canvas, process engineer ... or teacher wanting to create an adaptation of the lessons he teaches in creating a particular method).
    Yes, I think we have a strong desire to be recognized as unique in a world where there is very little, because of technology and stereotypes generated by the user in all contemporary areas.

    That through some ideas that, for me, a designer should do or be.

  5. PART 4/5
    Author : Maryse CANOVAS


    But creating a difficult environment, some would say, it's not so easy.
    Admittedly, these are not scientific methods or vitamins to regain energy that will lead someone to create ... I do not think so.
    But there are yet more willing than others to get creative.

    But then what determines the outcome that will lead to some happiness through creativity?

    I think that creativity depends primarily on five things :

    * COMMITMENT : when we focus on a project and we really have our vision sour its realization; I think you're right Matthew, quoting Stephan R Covey first because " the creation of first place in the mind " ;

    * POSITIVE EMOTIONS: we can grow seeking laughter, culture, satisfaction in our lives and relationships that promote these emotional feelings and we will want to share, so be sure and creator of some of the design as an opportunity for constructive exchange on the human level ;

    * The "MEANING " : we need to look individually to feel good when the decision to create will turn into concrete action. I think it is not necessary to change the world, or getting lost in great philosophical thoughts, but be aware and decide what is most valuable to us and do not deviate.

    * COMPLETION himself, I think, as I said in my quote on Twitter "It is not the job itself that grows us, but its fulfillment." Therefore, we can find the strength to create if we ignore what is more or less annoying or unpleasant to us (repeated gestures or attempts to do so, or impatience that can generate length planned actions, discouraged by the lack of encouragement or understanding of others ... etc.). This is the long-term vision that I mentioned earlier.

    * POSITIVE RELATIONSHIPS: surround yourself with people who see the bright side of life is important to Matthew. But it is equally important to know in order to give in return receive some force that will help us to consider our actions as good and useful; because we are beings of communication and we need positive feedback to continue to build us. Sounds may be obvious to consider, but in reality we see few people who, when they pass through trials decide to help others overcome problems ... people prefer in general remain "well hidden" home for avoid the risk of carrying loads that do not belong to them. Yet actions in which we show our love make us grow and nourish our EGO ! :)

  6. PART 5/5
    Author : Maryse CANOVAS


    Creating for me is a love to share capital.

    Through this blog Matthew, you create positive interactions and feelings that can build the minds of those seeking reflection on the balance of oneself or life in general.
    I think God gives us each a mission traves love and self-giving. I have this feeling since my teens, depsui I actually made the effort to get closer to God (and he approached me in return, as you can read in the Bible Jacques 4: 8 " Draw near to God and He will draw near to you ").

    I sincerely believe that the meaning of human life on earth is the wearer to others, to other humans, single species to which it belongs and with whom he must work for progress, improvement of living conditions a concern for the well-being of those who are part of your social sphere. As a contribution to the building and to be creative and in turn, we must act wisely in helping us divine wisdom contained in the Bible, meditating and applying its guidelines (the example of Noah obedient who managed to build the ark).

    The human spirit is integral to his family that he is the guardian, the person responsible before God, and is invited to make available all its wealth, abilities, skills and qualities to maintain the land on which he lives and CREATE environment peace and happiness.
    The capital of love we have received during our life and throughout our spiritual journey must be shared with all those God places on our way whatsoever.

    So we have been guided, accompanied and supported by others, and vice versa, we are neither alone nor unidentified, but plural, rich product of our talents and those of others through all the creations that we can put in common.

    Thus, we always feel Matthew able to go beyond ourselves, to finally create with what does not belong to us, but he has received from God !!

    These are some of my thoughts Matthew. I'd love you to tell me briefly what you think ... it would give me great pleasure ... and then this exchange would take all its value)

  7. I couldn't agree more. I feel that God has chosen each and every one of this to be on this earth for a reason. We only have one life on this earth, why not make it a positive, meaningful one? Life can be hard but that's the beauty of it. Nothing is ever easy. But every challenge comes with a lesson. It is meant to be. Thanks for writing. Love reading your insights here and there. - Elizabeth

  8. Matthew,
    I have indeed been very touched, yet, both the maturity and depth of your thoughts.
    I hope I do not remove far too much of the theme that you give us. I will try to write some of my thoughts about it, which is large and deserves writing a book, if the Holy Bible did not exist ... ☺ but this is not the case, and your comment enough, I hope to inspire others to have a reflection on themselves, and most importantly, the perfect example of our model, God, our Creator.

    Author : Maryse CANOVAS


    What drives me to write this is the word of God, the Holy Bible, which tells us that we are not as human beings, the result of chance, but a willingness on the part of a Creator, our Father in Heaven.

    Our existence therefore has a meaning!
    We read in Genesis: "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. "
    We are here in the presence of an unprecedented act outside our scope as beyond our understanding and permanently mark the boundary between the Creator and the creature, because the initiative comes from the Supreme God.

    However, it gave us incredible abilities, an extraordinary brain.
    Yes, as human beings, we can "create" all sorts of things, I agree with you Matthew (from a pre-existing physical matter: objects, works of art, tools. .. or generated by our thinking: concepts, theories), but never from scratch, and without effort that the thing is done! And that is what is beautiful, because we need to accept that the chance is not creativity, but goes against this state of affairs.
    As for me, if everything depended on chance, we would be the product of an accidental collision of atoms ... In this case, nothing of significance because the project has no chance ... ☺

    This means that in Genesis, from the beginning, God shows us that he created because he had a divine plan for humanity share the happiness that we feel when we decide to create us too! It's wonderful, magical and incomparable !!

    God did not merely launch an evolutionary process, saying, "Now you're on your own. No, he comes to us and reveals Himself to us through the Bible, so that we are not alone to learn. I think it is a great privilege to learn from the example of our Creator!

    Genesis said then about God's creation, "" God saw that it was (very) good "...
    It makes us understand that there is nothing more satisfying and enjoyable than the end of a book, with the opportunity to see the result and to be self-satisfied. Yes, God has manifested his satisfaction! What he created was good and even very good (nice, pleasant, harmonious, operational ... well, perfect). We can and should follow his example and not remain unmoved by what surrounds us.
    The geographical, temporal and initial paradise and all the Earth, tells us our needs as human beings. For many things in nature, God made us observe the rhythms and harmonies that serve as a lesson, but also the importance of discipline and order which is perceived in the beauty of our planet and all the universe, it offers to us.

    Knowing that God is interested in us, should develop a certain respect for ourselves (I'm not talking about pride, but the ability to love yourself in order to take care of us), that we must push to create to thrive and to say, as he himself said: " I am I doing (or I create) is good! "

  9. Author: Maryse CANOVAS


    Some situations, in this system, in this world, eventually be factors which cause loss of confidence and resources sometimes even for some ... an identity crisis: "Who am I really? "
    This is a danger for creativity and the development of the human being.

    So how to think differently so that when the energy is sufficient, the implementation of such thinking can lead to the creation of a thing or a concept? ... I am often asked, seeing people had lost much in business (due to the crisis, counterfeit or other obstacles related to the current economic climate).
    May be redirecting its logical not to the medium term, but to a longer term, and taking the risk of being wrong, because it's one of the things that can immobilize most people.

    I thought the example of God, is once again the best! He voluntarily gave us free will, we find that created humans without putting too of "safety" that would prevent them from acting as they wish, to follow his advice or not ... he dared to create us giving us also the possibility to imitate or not in his desire to realize his project! ... it has reduced its authoritarianism in order not to interfere with our mutual relations.
    As Creator, God has adapted to us, knowing that we are making progress, and that we can move towards the better or for the worse if we do not consider his warnings.
    Yes, for He is love (1 John 4: 8), God wants us to feel free enough to create in order to thrive and grow, even if we make mistakes; He knows that our well-being is in the development that goes through self-realization and thus the creation of his own life or anything else.

  10. Author: Maryse CANOVAS


    When I talk about development, I found in my consulting business balance positioning (and aid personal development), 3 spheres that interact permanently: self-knowledge, its potential and its limits.
    Then, the context also acts as a catalyst or not, and we must learn to "play" with it, which is not always easy, because everyone does not have the same values or the same views on the development of creativity and happiness in work or entrepreneurship through creativity.
    Because of this, people take a particular place in society, in business or in any other activity that would be required a certain amount of creativity that can be called "initiative". Because when we want to create accountability between online account, but also a certain independence of mind and action, do not you think?

    But, what is the common denominator of all the creators?
    Self-confidence can be, for all involved in the creation, which takes its cue from God himself, should be trusted, be convinced that his best experiences belong to the future and not his past ... He looks ahead ... that is why he longs to be created, "NOW" without waiting, as you so well marked Matthew!

    Want to be creative, requires work on oneself.
    I noticed in the accompaniments I realized that confidence, which is key to this work, can not be imposed, it is experienced. Once people realize that they can work on them, trust is built. Size possible erases any doubts or obstacles related to human relations, legitimate, but sometimes creating blockages; A person who is aware of his power of self-determination once said: "After all, I did not need to love my professional relationships to succeed."
    Unconsciously, an unconscious psychological work had made its way ...
    Motivation is essential and remains different for each individual is required, I think how to answer some questions when we want to create, for the life of the implementation depends on this.
    Ask "What motivates me? What I am missing? Why run after me and continue to deplete despite the lack of recognition of what I do?
    Because life does not make creative gifts, and the leader of tomorrow creating, is my humble and personal opinion

    Is one who can assess and balance the energy in knowing whether domestic recovery time. It will also be able to create by working to grow and continue to learn, so he will have the desire to get out of his "comfort zone."

    He also made a EGO want to create, and this applies to all creative (whether painter on canvas, process engineer ... or teacher wanting to create an adaptation of the lessons he teaches in creating a particular method) .
    Yes, I think we have a strong desire to be recognized as unique in a world where there is very little, because of technology and stereotypes generated by the user in all contemporary areas.

    That through some ideas that, for me, a designer should do or be.

  11. Author: Maryse CANOVAS


    But creating a difficult environment, some would say, it's not so easy.
    Admittedly, these are not scientific methods or vitamins to regain energy that will lead someone to create ... I do not think so.
    But there are yet more willing than others to get creative.

    But then what determines the outcome that will lead to some happiness through creativity?

    I think that creativity depends primarily on five things:

    * COMMITMENT: when we focus on a project and we really have our vision sour its realization; I think you're right Matthew, quoting Stephan R Covey first because "the creation of first place in the mind";

    * POSITIVE EMOTIONS: we can grow seeking laughter, culture, satisfaction in our lives and relationships that promote these emotional feelings and we will want to share, so be sure and creator of some of the design as an opportunity for constructive exchange on the human level;

    * The "SENS" (meaning): we need to look individually to feel good when the decision to create will turn into concrete action. I think it is not necessary to change the world, or getting lost in great philosophical thoughts, but be aware and decide what is most valuable to us and do not deviate.

    * COMPLETION himself, I think, as I said in my quote on Twitter "It is not the job itself that grows us, but its fulfillment." Therefore, we can find the strength to create if we ignore what is more or less annoying or unpleasant to us (repeated gestures or attempts to do so, or impatience that can generate length planned actions, discouraged by the lack of encouragement or understanding of others ... etc.). This is the long-term vision that I mentioned earlier.

    * POSITIVE RELATIONSHIPS: surround yourself with people who see the bright side of life is important to Matthew. But it is equally important to know in order to give in return receive some force that will help us to consider our actions as good and useful; because we are beings of communication and we need positive feedback to continue to build us. Sounds may be obvious to consider, but in reality we see few people who, when they pass through trials decide to help others overcome problems ... people prefer in general remain "well hidden" home for avoid the risk of carrying loads that do not belong to them. Yet actions in which we show our love make us grow and nourish our EGO ! ☺


    Creating for me is a love to share capital.

    Through this blog Matthew, you create positive interactions and feelings that can build the minds of those seeking reflection on the balance of oneself or life in general.
    I think God gives us each a mission traves love and self-giving. I have this feeling since my teens, depsui I actually made the effort to get closer to God (and he approached me in return, as you can read in the Bible Jacques 4: 8 "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you").

    I sincerely believe that the meaning of human life on earth is the wearer to others, to other humans, single species to which it belongs and with whom he must work for progress, improvement of living conditions a concern for the well-being of those who are part of your social sphere. As a contribution to the building and to be creative and in turn, we must act wisely in helping us divine wisdom contained in the Bible, meditating and applying its guidelines (the example of Noah obedient who managed to build the ark).

    The human spirit is integral to his family that he is the guardian, the person responsible before God, and is invited to make available all its wealth, abilities, skills and qualities to maintain the land on which he lives and CREATE environment peace and happiness.
    The capital of love we have received during our life and throughout our spiritual journey must be shared with all those God places on our way whatsoever.

    So we have been guided, accompanied and supported by others, and vice versa, we are neither alone nor unidentified, but plural, rich product of our talents and those of others through all the creations that we can put in common.

    Thus, we always feel Matthew able to go beyond ourselves, to finally create with what does not belong to us, but he has received from God !!

    thank you so much for your exchange Matthew. :))

  13. Thank you for this reminder. It is easy to get lost in the day to day of life and we forget that we have the ability to create. I really needed this message as life threw me a little bit of a curve ball and I lost focus. My younger sister has been ill. In the last three months she has lost a dangerous amount of weight, has had six blood transfusions, and a partial hysterectomy. Doctors still haven’t figured out what is wrong. She is only 33 and she is a single parent of two young children. There is always the ultimate fear that we will lose her to whatever this is, but my real fear is for her kids. I am not as worried about losing someone close to me My personal belief that that we have such strong bonds and ties to those we love that we never really lose them. Their spirit remains with us always and we don’t really lose the ability to communicate with them. If we are able to communicate with our Creator or have the holy spirit guide us then who says we can’t communicate with our past loved ones. If you are still and quiet enough and you just “be” you can feel and hear them. It sounds a little far fetched the possibility is very real.
    I feel the presence of others on occasions. I am fortunate and very blessed when it happens. It is difficult to share this experience with others since it isn’t the “norm”. I feel safe sharing it on this blog so I thank you for that. I have to share the most recent of experiences…well because my instincts tell me to. Strongly impressed upon, it’s almost forced, as is particular presence says more like the force young Jedi. Just roll with me on this one. I don’t always know who or why or how. It’s just impressions I get. This lady is humorous but it is her wisdom that brings a reverence to me. When I ask why me she tells me because I have the heart and soul of a warrior. I am not sure that that means since I would never classify myself like that. But as I said her wisdom brings a reverence to me and it is so awe inspiring that my body literally takes a bow to her presence.
    I am sorry that was a little um….random sharing but I felt like it needed to be said at this every moment and in this forum.

    Again, thank you so much for your insight and allowing me to share.



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