Wednesday, September 3, 2014

A ride

The day has been long,.. the silence became too loud, and it was time to ride.  I jumped on my Harley, and left... 

The open road, the danger of riding, headed toward the canyon, the hills and vistas, approaching that edge of comfort, and staying there for a while.  Stress disappears...clarity comes into becomes simple again...all because I took a ride.  

Thank you Harley!  That's why I have you, because of your reminders, your sounds, and what you always seem to teach me!


  1. Only a motorcycle ride can give you that meditative adrenaline rush. The faster you go the more you let go of whatever you are holding on to. It’s like the vibration of the bike loosens the tension and stress build up.
    There are many nights like this one, where I am up at 1 a.m. with too much on my mind that I would love nothing more than to get in my car and see how fast she can really go. Back home there is a vast desert that I can and have done just that, was but not here. I struggle with ways to find that kind of clarity. I take a drive down a country road with music playing so loud it’s on the brink of hurting my ears. It helps though it is not exactly the same.
    When my daughter came to live with me permanently she questioned why I had a baseball bat and balls in the trunk of my car. You have to understand that I am not exactly that athletically inclined so it’s easy to see why she was puzzled. I image that when I run it’s like a horrific scene from Baywatch where Pam Anderson is knocked out by her own boobs. Yep, that’s me running. I explain to her that feeling. The rush I get when I swing the bat, it connects with the ball, and I watch it soar through the air across the field. It’s bliss. It’s cathartic. I took her out to experience it for herself and now she is trying out for the softball team. She is actually extremely good at it.
    A release so important, find wherever and however you can.

  2. PART 1/2 - Author : Maryse CANOVAS


    As I understand you by reading your thoughts, Matthew !!

    The bike leaves us unforgettable memories, communion with nature and especially with the item we seek to challenge then ... the air. ...
    Yes, we breathe differently motorcycle, and visual sensations are not comparable to the speed drive ... everything is multiplied by 4 ... power, vision, air resistance and inertia ...

    the risk of madness
    and all that all the bikes you can provide it ... I think ...
    But it is the driver that makes the difference
    in the sensations we rechechons, we sometimes feel the pleasure of riding quietly ... and sometimes we want to challenge the elements ..: D LOL It's only human, we learn what our personal limits, facing ourselves! ☺

    I felt the same thing only in initiation aerobatic aircraft flight ... fall (drop) at 300 km / hour playful! Whaouuuu. ... Unforgettable ... some vomit all their stomach, I've laughed and loved ... !!! My foot almost touches the glass !!... LOL ! (risk is to panic and turn the handle in every way, and that's the spin !!) Far ! Try it, Matthew ! :)

  3. PART2/2 - Author : Maryse CANOVAS


    Whoever feels bad think it is only one feeling this, and this leads him to further isolate

    The greatest discovery of our generation has been to see a man can alter his life by altering his thinking. I realized one day that my negative attitude mind would harm me in life.

    I have tried to change and so, gradually, I became more positive. I read somewhere a reflection of a philosopher:
    "Take charge of your thoughts. You can do what you want. "So I went to work to create a system for me very personal thought, because I wanted to push myself. I started to practice martial arts (Karate, Judo and Self-Defense with a great Master Raphael ORTEGA)
    Self-confidence starts in the mind. How, indeed, can we have confidence in their ways if we maintain constantly negative thoughts and if we constantly denigrates I thought?
    It's all about attitude: we must imbue his mind with positive thoughts to hope to benefit from the strength that lives in each of us.
    I joined a thing in your state of mind, Matthew, nature sometimes allows us to find the key to well-being, in addition to any other means (bike, car, skateboard ...). :)
    For example, for me, the mountain can give us wings or just give us in our place, facing his greatness, his unchanging majesty!
    Confidence in yourself depends on your usual way of thinking. If ideas live defeat us, we may feel defeated, and sometimes alone, so we did not really ... So we must get into the habit of thinking healthily, to be like a tree has flourished in the forest and picked apart might not be impressive, but its strength is its beauty among the others, he knows his place and hold it, as you know so well keep yours, Matthew !!

    I'm not saying all this because e think you're unhappy Matthew, on the contrary! ... No, because you would not have succeeded in your life if it was! You are certainly very strong Matthew and you were able to overcome a lot of difficulties in your life, I'm sure !!
    But what makes your strength, Matthew? Maybe what you give to you every day, by act or mind ...
    I truly believe that the gift of oneself is the secret of happiness! ... Do not let hatred invade our heart or concerns torturing our minds. Live simply, expect little, give much. If we fill our lives with love, we spread the sunshine. Forget yourself and think of others.

    Insulate yourself and marvel at the Creation:

    In order to master this way of life, a focus on peaceful thoughts is sometimes a source of success ... Every day, we are taking action for our bodies, we bathe, we brush our teeth, we are exercising. Similarly, we should take the time to keep our mind healthy! God created us and we are made to be in the middle of nature, to take care of it, because nature takes care of us, and sometimes gives us the energy to move forward and tap into the resources we need to grow up! (Psalm 19: 1 "The heavens declare the glory of God ...")
    This can be achieved simply by sometimes sitting down and indulging in the evocation of peaceful images. Perhaps a starry sky, a beautiful mountainous landscape, a gentle valley, a stream of water, the ocean or just a ray of silver sun reflecting in a river ...
    Those around us (family, friends, teachers ..) also gives us strength back. I think for example the smile of a loved one, the memory of a special moment or experience seemed almost unreal, so we felt this time as a new sensation, we all tasted such a special moment, irreplaceable ... this is priceless !

    Continue to enjoy these moments of intimacy with nature and with your loved ones, but also to tap into your inner strength as you know so well! Continue to take care of you and your children! ... Thanks for sharing and good luck Matthew!

  4. Ahh, my Biker on Harley...
    I've always loved the bike for the feeling of freedom, for the riders spirit. it sounds so cliché ... And yet ! The bike is a way of life, a « selfish » happiness that gives you the BIG smile, which helps to soothe the sorrows, to clear your mind and release your spirit. Another way to manage to let go too when we lack perspective. Whatever the manner : in the speed, with an acceleration of emotions, a dose of unforgettable sensations and freedom, adrenaline exploding and reminds you that you're yet alive... or the pleasure of winding the road smoothly, to go on a slow speed, in contact with the outside world, transforming each route, each scrolling scenery in an unique trip. A great youth elixir, a well-being, an almost immediate escape effect. The main thing is to come out on top, to reach a level of pleasure that opens quite wide your mind, to refocus on you. It’s essential to relieve contraints, regenerate. It’s a hygiene measure, so important as our basic physiological needs. And "to take off from the planet", everyone has a method. Your Harley, it's your way. That’s an excellent antidepressant, I agree with you... I have no licence for real big machines (only the lower categories) but I was often a passenger (That’s great too to be a passenger, to clutch at the beautiful male driver, stick to him – Wait, stop, I get lost... Let's stick to the subject, here !). So, it's certainly less powerful than when it’s you who controls, dominates the beast to be one with it, but the feeling is still there all the same. Personally, my ride, when I feel the need, it's more a horse, a saddle (or not) and a free escape at full gallop through the forest, crossing rivers to stop on the beach... Ok, I grant you that the acceleration is more gradual but it also does the trick in terms of freeing your mind... This brings me back to my teenage years when I practiced some equestrian cross, carefreeness...
    Once more, thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. It makes us feel good too... On a other hand, Matt, I hope you wear a helmet, otherwise I assure you I take a flight just to come kick your ass !

  5. Beautifully written. Obviously comes from within the heart.

  6. That sense of freedom and pure refreshing rapture from the very deep recesses of the soul!



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