In business... the person that blames everyone else for their lack. It's the governments' fault, or President so an so's fault. They complain and then get mad, and blame everyone else... Their boss is a jerk, they never get brakes, it's ALWAYS someone else's fault!!
Similar in relationships, people blame and complain...and literally feel like they themselves have nothing to do with it.
FEAR is usually the cause of it all. Its scary to have to look at one's SELF and explore for answers. People around us would rather build their own case, point fingers with that UGLY finger of blame, and reenforce that wall that is put up so that nobody can really see in. Their idea of conflict resolution is... "fire those around you, and just fill that space with something or someone else that complies with my simple and shallow perception". Heaven forbid they actually look inside themselves, understanding themselves, analyze how their very situation has everything to do with their OWN actions, and learn how to correct it, and move forward. Nope... They would rather avoid self introspection, and blame instead... "It's their fault for how I feel! It's someone els's fault as to why I'm without financial stability. It's so and so's fault why I'm's because they didn't love me enough".
All of these ways of thinking are so prevalent in the world today. In my speaking career, I speak to those that come to my conferences and just complain about how they were wronged in one way or another. All of them feeling a sense of entitlement, that they are owed something. It's ugly to witness!! I admit that it makes me work harder (in my presentations) so that hopefully they will see that there are ways to produce a different outcome, and be in a better place, but it requires work and effort, and one must stop blaming others.
I've seen this in relationships too. That sense of gratitude between two people, quickly turns to a sense of entitlement. Like they are owed something because they showed prior love or kindness in one way or another. The constant blaming gets nowhere! Gratitude quickly turns to entitlement and expectations. When expectations aren't met, they are hurt beyond belief, and now owed. Thus the ledger is born. The ledger is the list of things they did for you (compared to the wrongs that you have done) that they throw at you every time you may step out of line. "I did this, this, and that for you owe me". That is no way to constantly have the ledger thrown at you. We all have a part in what happens us!!!!! It's just a cowards' game to jump to conclusions, build a case with false and unsubstantiated whispers, and not look at themselves in the mirror, and just blame. Then to go to the next worse level, and start with name calling...? Wow, that is one of the biggest displays of the fact that most people never get out of the 6th grade emotionally. They would rather talk crap, gossip (and believe the gossip), and point their fingers and blame blame blame. Avoiding any responsibility of their own in what is happening TO THEM!!! I know how ridiculous that sounds. The thought that one has nothing to do with the pain and hurt that they themselves feel.
We must all take a step back and personally take an inventory of our OWN lives, and things we do and think, that ultimately contribute to what continues to happen to US. Accept and forgive where needed, and emerge with new resolve to remember that WE CREATE OUR LIVES. Accept the responsibility, and not blame others for our own pain, lack of money, lack of love, or lack of anything. We live once, and I'm grateful for people that have come into my life lately that are positive owners of their own lives. They do not hand me their emotional bill to pay. They are willing to pay their own, as i pay mine. :)
All I can say to this is "Wow"!
ReplyDeleteWhat kind of a speaker are you? Reading this made me look at myself. And it made me wish that my sister could read it as well. We grew up with less than perfect parents, and lives that weren't as happy as most. And as a result, she has become what I would call "the victim". Everything in her life that goes wrong is because of someone else. (Credit card debt, failed marriage, bad relationships, personal hate) And because of it, she has alienated everyone from her life. It's sad. But how do you change someone who doesn't think there's anything wrong with them? I watch her walk around, living her life, filled with so much hate and anger. It makes me sad. Yes, we didn't have the happy, hunky dory, suburban life growing up. But to spend the rest of lives blaming our parents for it makes no sense. Get over it! That's the past. It's as you said, "we must all take a step back and personally take an inventory of our own live.." I believe that to be completely true. I try really hard to look at myself first for blame. And I always wondered if I was being cruel to myself. I feel a little more confident in myself now. Thank you.
There's some friendly banter for you. :)
ReplyDeleteI heard you speak in Winchester Va. a couple of weeks ago. It had nothing to do with the subject you wrote about on this post. But seeing you speak was absolutely amazing. Then I was able to go and listen to one of your close friends speak Bryan.....I am amazed at the two of you. I hope to continue to learn lessons that will help me to put life in general in the same perspective as both of you have. It was a blessing in my life to have met the both of you. Thanks for the writing I look forward to hearing more.