Sunday, August 15, 2010

What a week!!!

What an amazing week! I have spend the week on vacation with my kids, and how lucky I feel that I have such great kids! The beauty that is seen in the wonder in their they explore and learn. Something I've always loved to watch... It's in their eyes.
My son is such a respectful sensative little stud! How blessed I am to have him as an example to me. He is always so grateful and quiet, yet almost as big of a dork as I am :)
My daughter is becoming an articulate, adventurous, young woman. So capable and equal to life as she sees it come her way. Always up for the challenge...if her brother can do it?...well she will get there too. Count on it!!
Feeling very blessed and grateful that I'm the Dad to such great kids that make my life have color and purpose!
Love you kidos!!!


  1. Children are the greatest gift from God! Watching them grow and progress is an everyday joy. Especially little girls. They are a kick in the pants. :)

  2. It’s fun to see how our children are little extensions of ourselves with their own unique personalities. I was sitting in my office yesterday with one of my residents who is about to give birth to her first child. She looks at my family photos and questions me about their birth. I love sharing these stories. Both children have it told to them on their birthdays every year. I know what this woman really wants to know. The first one I had an epidural, second no drugs completely natural. Given the choice I will always choose natural childbirth. I impart the little wisdom I feel I have on the subject and she leaves.
    The rest of the day goes by and I am thinking about how great my children are. The difference in their personalities and the parts of me that I see in them. How fast they have grown, 16 years can pass you by so quickly. Each of them has changed my life in ways that they will never know. I have always been told how the teenager years are the hardest. In some ways I can see that statement being true. But I have so much fun with my teenager. I am elated that she calls me her best friend and that I have somehow stumbled upon that fine line as friend and parent. I am not quite sure how I got there. Is it because I am only 34? Is it because I think outside the box? I am not sure but I will take it!
    I come home and my little happy balloon becomes a little deflated. Out of nowhere while watching Man vs. Wild she turns to me and says “I wish you didn’t care so much”. RECORD SCRATCH. Wait…..what???? “My dad doesn’t care or notice and I can get away with things”. I take a deep breath and mentally tell my ex off. Calmly I say “would you to live with your dad?” She thinks about it. Then I play the “would you rather game”. I know what a life with her father would be like for her and so does she. She turns to me and says,” you accept me for who I am and you don’t try to change me.” I let out the breath I had been holding. “Okay, that sounds rational. Don’t stay up too late we are getting up early to catch those bass you have been stalking for weeks.” I go to my room….nature, I need to get outdoors I need to clear my head. Then the real battle beings. I hope she catches those bass but I am all girl and don’t really want to have to touch those fish! I will do it if I have to, I will take a good challenge.
    Parenting is so much fun and I love being a mother (occasionally the father to). You never know what is on the horizon and every day is different. I am not a big country music fan but Rascal Flatts, My Wish sums it up pretty well.



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